Isobel's Bookshelf
Hi, my name's Isobel and this is my blog all about books. It will have book reviews as well as lots of other things.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
An organised bookshelf
This is a lot of not very good photos of my bookshelf, which is now in alphabetical order. If you see any books that you want me to do a review of, please ask in the comments.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Write Your Own
If you want to write a two or three page story follow these steps
1.Find your inspiration.
The Literacy shed is great for all inspiration because of it's brilliant videos of different categories. There are lots of different places to find your inspiration. Take a look at some of the videos on the literacy shed by clicking the link above.
2.Choose your theme.
There are many different themes to choose from. Here's a few common themes.
Rags to Riches, Romance, Finding tales.
When you are writing to a theme, you can concentrate on your writing instead of what you are writing about.
3.Plan your story.
3a Who is your main character? What is their name? What do they wear? What do they look like? These three questions will help you write about your character because they will allow you to imagine what the character is doing.
3b What do they do?/ What happens to them? This is the main part of planning a story. If you don't even know what they do you are left with nothing. This is also the hardest part as your brain sometimes goes blank when you think hard. If this happens take a break.
3c Where do they do it?/ Where does it happen?
A setting description helps the reader get into the story and picture what is going on so this is an important step in writing a story.
3d Why do they do it?/ Why does it happen?
A good back-story helps the reader understand how the character feels and why they act in the way they do. Sometimes a character might be trying to find where they come from so if this you why is a very important aspect.
3e What happens in the end?
Whether your story has a happy or sad ending, you have to know what everything is going to lead up to or your story may go in the wrong direction.
4.Turn this into a story paragraph by paragraph.
Don't do it all at once or it probably won't work out well. Sometimes you just want to stop so you should do just that! You take as long as you like writing your story.
5. Edit. Don't leave it boring!
Always see if there is anything you want to make better; a word you want to change is enough to make you go back through. Roald Dahl once said, "Before I get to the end of any story, I have checked it through 50 times."
6. Make sure it make sense.
If your story doesn't make sense, no one will read it so check everything.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
A Murder Most Unladylike
A Murder Most Unladylike
By Robin Stevens
Link to Amazon A Murder Most Unladylike |
Book Review
When Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong set up A SECRET DETECTIVE AGENCY at Deepdean School for Girls, they struggle to find any real crimes to investigate.
Friday, July 24, 2020
The dragonfly pool
The Dragonfly Pool by Eva Ibbotson
Amanda Craig
'Pure pleasure'
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Monday, July 20, 2020

Characters: The 3 main characters are Charlie, Betty and Felicity.
My favourite is Betty because she is daring.
Plot: Betty and Charlie sneak off to the Halloween fair without their Grandma knowing on a ferry. It gets so foggy they can't see and Grandma appears and takes them back. It turns out they're under a powerful peice of magic that could get them killed.
Likes and Dislikes: I really like this book because it is full of adventure and magic but I dislike the way Betty acts when she finds out about it.